Three students, six teachers injured in road accident along Chepsangor – Kimwani Road in Nandi

Three students and six teachers of Olasiti Boarding Primary School have sustained injuries following an accident involving their school bus road at Chepsangor along Nandi hills -Kimwani-Kopere road in Nandi County

The school bus was involved in the accident at Chepsangor along Nandihills-Kimwani-Kopere road in Nandi County

The pupil were from Music Festivals at The University Of East Africa-Baraton in Nandi heading their homes in Narok county.

The bus, according to police report , lost control and landed in a ditch within the Coptic area.

Nandi county Health CECM Ruth Koech while attending to the injured pupils and teachers at Nandihills County hospitals said three pupils and one teacher have been referred to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital for further management as others are in stable condition

Knut Executive Secretary in Tinderet and Nandi East Bonface Tenai wants the national government to erect barriers along Chepsangor-Kimwani road which has always become a den of deaths

