KNEC releases 2025 KCSE timetable, guidelines and instructions

Education CS Julius Migos Ogamba distributes KCSE exam papers from KNEC container at Kabete Deputy County Commissioner’s Office in Kiambu County on November 13, 2204. PHOTO/@HonJuliusMigos/X

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has released the timetable, instructions, and guidelines ahead of the commencement of the Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education (KCSE).

In a full release published on its website, KNEC announced that the national exams would start on October 21, 2025. French, Sign Language and German will be among the first examinable subjects.

The over-two-week-long KCSE exams are expected to end on November 12, 2025.

“All first session examination papers will start at 8.00 a.m. and second session examination papers will start at 2.00 pm as indicated on the timetable,” KNEC stated.

“The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and no extra time is to be allowed. In case of any discrepancy, the time stated on the question paper should be taken as the correct one. Time for reading through questions is part of the time shown on the question paper except where special paper instructions indicate otherwise,” the council added.

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) CEO David Njengere during a past function. PHOTO/@KNECKenya/X
Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) CEO David Njengere during a past function. PHOTO/@KNECKenya/X

As tradition, candidates will sit for practical exams first, which are scheduled to take place starting from October 22, 2025, to October 31, 2025, covering Home Science, Art and Design, Woodwork, and Metalwork among others.


According to the timetable, candidates will take on theory papers starting on November 3, 2025, starting with English and Chemistry papers.

Mathematics and English Literature will be administered on November 4, 2025. The second Chemistry paper will be taken on Wednesday, November 5, 2025, followed by the English essay (composition).

The tests, which have been spaced depending on the time allocated for each paper, will be mostly administered in the morning and afternoon.

On Thursday, November 6, 2025, KCSE candidates will sit for Kiswahili (Lugha) paper in the morning session, after which they will take the Kiswahili (Fasihi) paper in the afternoon, concluding the first week of the test.

Week two will start with Christian Religious Education on November 11, 2025, followed by Biology Paper 1 in the afternoon.

Education CS Julius Migos Ogamba holds KCSE exam papers at KNEC container in Nyamira on November 18, 2024. PHOTO/@HonJuliusMigos/X

Biology Paper 2 will be the first paper on Thursday, November 13, 2025, followed by History and Government in the afternoon. Biology practical papers will wind up the second week of the national examination.

On November 18, Geography Paper 1 will be administered to those who selected the subject, then followed by Physics Paper 1, which is also an optional subject.

Other optional subjects (Business Studies Paper 1 and Agriculture) will be administered on November 19, 2025. In the following day, candidates will take their Business Studies and Agriculture second papers.

On the final day, Friday, November 21, 2025, students will sit for Physics Paper 3.


According to the examination council, teachers are advised to ensure that the candidates read these instructions and guidelines
carefully and adhere to them.

“Avail yourself for searching outside the examination room and be seated at your desk/table 15 minutes before the time fixed for the examination in the various papers. The first session will start at 8.00 a.m. followed by the second session at 2.00 pm as indicated on the timetable,” KNEC informed candidates.

“A candidate who arrives late will be required to give a satisfactory reason to the Supervisor. Only in exceptional circumstances will a paper be given to any candidate who is more than half an hour late. Absolute punctuality is essential for all papers.”

KNEC CEO David Njengere
KNEC CEO David Njengere. PHOTO/@KNECKenya/X

“Write your responses in black or blue ink. You may use fountain pen or ball point pen but not erasable pens. Pencil should only be used for diagrams. Bring mathematical and drawing instruments for subjects for which they will be needed.”

KNEC has also made it clear that no candidate will be allowed to leave the exam room before the end of the test unless okayed by the supervisor.

Supervisors and invigilators have been asked to ensure all candidates are issued with personalised papers that bear their names and random number.

“Supervisors must verify that candidates have signed their answer scripts and script control form before collecting them for packing. They must count the candidates to ensure they tally with the present candidates,” KNEC insisted.

The council has also spelt out punitive penalties for exam malpractice.