Govt Seeking 5,690 Teachers for Principal, Deputy Principal, and Headteacher Positions

On Tuesday, November 12, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) announced plans to hire 5,690 teachers for senior positions in primary and secondary schools, with a one-week application period.

The TSC revealed that it would recruit 755 teachers for post-primary school principal roles, including positions in secondary schools.

To qualify for the principal role, candidates must have served as Deputy Principals or Senior Masters for a minimum of six months. Additionally, applicants must have received a satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process and demonstrated the ability to supervise, mentor, and support other teachers.

The TSC further emphasized that candidates must meet any additional requirements deemed necessary by the Commission.

In addition to principal roles, the TSC will hire 816 teachers for Deputy Principal positions across the country. Candidates for these positions must have served as Senior Masters in their schools for at least three years.

The Commission also stressed that applicants must have a satisfactory performance appraisal rating and the proven ability to mentor and support fellow teachers professionally.

For primary schools, the TSC announced it will hire 1,208 additional school heads to help alleviate the ongoing teacher shortage. To qualify for the primary school headteacher position, candidates must have served as Deputy Head Teacher II on TSC Scale 9 for at least three years. Like the other roles, applicants must have satisfactory performance appraisal ratings and the ability to supervise, mentor, and offer professional support to fellow teachers.

Additionally, the government will hire 2,911 teachers for deputy headteacher roles in primary schools across the country. To qualify, candidates must have served as Senior Teacher I on T-Scale 8 for at least three years.

Interested candidates who meet the qualifications must submit their applications online via the TSC portal by Monday, November 18, at midnight.

The recruitment of these 5,690 teachers aligns with the Career Progression Guidelines, which mandate the advancement and promotion of teachers who have served for a specific number of years within the education system. This initiative is part of the government’s broader efforts to address staffing shortages in schools and provide better leadership at all levels of education.