AFA bans avocado harvesting for export by sea

The Agricuture and Food Authority (AFA) has announced the closure of harvesting of four avocado varieties for export by sea with effect from October 25, 2024.

The authority says the closure of harvesting of hass, pinkerton, fuerter and jumbo avocado varieties is due to insufficient stock currently available in the country.

“The directorate has been monitoring harvesting trends and recently undertook a countrywide survey in the major avocado production zones to determine current production trends and forecast future production for the main season next year. The findings of the survey indicate there is currently insufficient volumes of main season crop to warrant sea shipment,” said Dr Bruno Linyiru, AFA Director General.

However according to the authority, export of the products by air will continue provided exporters, importers and processors of avocado are granted export clearance after inspection by the Horticultural Crops Directorate.

According to the authority traceability information will also be required for all consignments being exported by air.

The mover is expected to ensure only mature avocadoes are harvested and exported as AFA targets to reduce interruptions of crop cycle as a result of harvesting of immature avocado which lead to reduced harvest in subsequent seasons.

Following the end of avocado harvesting season and the onset of mango harvesting season, AFA has also issued a stern warning to mango exporters who plan to mix avocadoes and mangoes for shipment.

“It has come to our attention that following the closure of the avocado harvesting season and export by sea, some exporters mix consignment of mango with avocado for sea shipment. This is against the provisions of crops (Horticultural Crops) Regulations, 2020 Sectoon 20(5),” stated Dr Linyiru.

The authority will now require exporters to ensure all their produce for exports undergo inspection before being issued with export certificate.

Additionally, mango exporters are required to ensure their mango export consignment exclusively contain the quantity of mango they have a permit for as well as apply for physical inspection of mango consignments online.

AFA has warned that failure to comply with the set guidelines, no export permit will be issued to any mango exporter.

The authority says Kenya fresh mango exports are mainly to the Middle East with small quantities of processed mango being exported to the Netherlands, UK and Italy.
