calls for stakeholder support on two-thirds gender rule – Kenya News Agency

As the country celebrates 14 years since the promulgation of the 2010 constitution, the two-third gender principle is yet to be attained.

The two-thirds gender principle, enshrined in the 2010 constitution under Article 27(8), mandates that no more than two-thirds of appointive and elective bodies should be of the same gender.

Equality between the sexes is a question of a fair and equitable distribution of power, influence, and resources in everyday life and in society as a whole.

FNF Project Director and Global Partnership Hub Director Stefan Schott addressing stakeholders during the freedom café on fast tracking the two third gender rule in Gigiri, Nairobi. Photo by Anita Omwenga

The Association of Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK), in partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Kenya (FNF) and other relevant stakeholders, is committed to fast-tracking the two-third gender rule.

AMWIK Executive Director Queenter Mbori, speaking during a freedom café on fast tracking the two third gender rule in Gigiri, Nairobi, said the path to achieving the two third gender rule requires concerted efforts among all stakeholders.

“As we reflect on how far we have come, let us not grow weary, especially the media, in looking for different and diverse ways to tell this story, “said Mbori.

Mbori divulged that the media plays a critical role in advancing the tenets of diversity, inclusion, and equity, a realisation of our democracy as a nation.

“We aim to continue to use our voice and platforms to debunk the myths surrounding the two third gender rule,” she said, adding that the gender rule has been a long-standing challenge in achieving gender parity.

FNF Project Director and Global Partnership Hub Director Stefan Schott said gender equality is a fundamental pillar of a just and democratic society.

“As we discuss the two-third gender rule, we are reminded of the significant progress that has been made but challenges remain. The Kenyan judiciary has repeatedly declared parliament unconstitutional for failing to implement this rule,” he said.

Schott said the organisation believes that true freedom cannot be achieved unless all individuals, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities and rights.

“We are grateful for our collaborations, especially with AMWIK, which has been at the forefront of championing the debate of the two-third gender rule,” he further noted.

Federation of Women Lawyers-Kenya (FIDA-Kenya) Executive Director Ann Ireri said the two-third gender rule has faced many challenges, with the parliament of Kenya failing to meet this constitutional requirement.

Ireri said since 2010, at least 11 bills have been introduced in the National Assembly in a bid to ensure that Parliament enacts the necessary legislation, but none has succeeded in passing into law.

“While we have come a long way, there is so much that still needs to be done. If all of us come in together, like we have done before, we have the potential to create momentum needed to help Kenya achieve gender parity,” said Ireri.

She noted that the head of state issued a memo to the Cabinet Secretary of Gender last year indicating a road map in the attainment of the gender principle, but political goodwill is now crucial.

“Kenyans are looking to the political parties; they are the ones with the biggest task of being able to at least nominate, to be able to fill the threshold at the national assembly,” she said.

Ireri further observed, “As we wait for implementation of the two third gender principle, we should support women aspirants by giving them access to media spaces and campaign financing and address sexual and gender-based violence.”

She observed that advancing women’s rights does not mean it is to the detriment of men. This is an ill-informed argument and a narrative that seeks to counter the clamour for the two-thirds gender rule.

Dean, Aga Khan Graduate School of Media and Communication Nancy Booker said academic institutions can embolden media professionals to effectively advocate for gender equity, implement inclusive policies and practices, and lead initiatives that advance women’s rights and social justice within their respective sectors.”

“Studies such as the ‘state of women in the media’ by the university shed light on the intricate dynamics of representation. Newsrooms can use such research data to foster fair and inclusive coverage,” she said.

On his part, African Programmes Deputy Director Mustapha Dumbuya said the media shapes opinions and narratives, so it must be deliberate about how it covers issues about women, such as the two-third gender rule.

“Media has a role to play to educate the public when it comes to issues around two-third gender rule. This is about representation and giving an equal opportunity to everyone to have a chance to lead,” said Dumbuya, who is also Deputy Director at the Journalist for Human Rights.

By Anita Omwenga