KUPPET teachers in Kakamega down tools – Kenya News Agency

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) in Kakamega joined their colleagues in their nationwide teacher’s strike that began today morning.

The teachers gathered at the KUPPET offices in Kakamega town before marching to the Regional Commissioners offices where they presented a petition to the Western Regional Director of Teachers Service Commission Joseph Oduor Mugele.

General Harrison Otota, the Union’s branch secretary said the strike is on until their grievances are addressed.

Mugele, confirmed receiving the petition from the union giving them an assurance that he will write a report about the issues raised and forward it to the secretary TSC.

He noted that some of the concerns raised by the union touched on the policy which can be solved by commissioners at the TSC who can either review, expunge or replace with others.

Mugele acknowledged that there are emerging issues in the teacher’s profession which need a conversation to make the teaching profession better for the teachers to be able to serve the children of this country with utmost peace and with motivation.

The Director also told the teachers that the commission was still on course to offer them promotions, especially those who have stagnated in the same job group for many years.

“On the issue of stagnation, the TSC does not generate any revenue, we rely entirely on the national treasury to provide us with funds for all of our operations. So if we get money from the treasury that will be sufficient to promote everybody who has stagnated, the commission has no obligation but to promote such teachers,” he explained.

By Moses Wekesa