KFS, I&M Foundation begin fencing Ngong Road Forest

The Kenya Forest Service has kicked off construction of an an electric fence around the Sanctuary Block of Ngong Road Forest.

Through the support of I&M Foundation, KFS says construction of the electric fence will fence off 14.2km perimeter of the block with completion set for April 2025.

Ngong Road Forest was gazetted in 1932 through proclamation No. 44 and subsequently designated a
Central Government Forest Reserve in 1964 through legal notice No. 174.

It covers an area of 1,224.4 Ha comprising of 886.72 Ha of natural, and 337.68 Ha of plantation forests. It is
segmented into five administrative units namely Miotoni, Lenana, Karen, Sanctuary and
Bomas Blocks.

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The Sanctuary Block is the largest block covering 695.3 hectares mainly constitutes
shrubs, grasslands, and scattered plantations of Eucalyptus species.

“As a safeguard for effective and efficient fence management, a six-meter-wide path will be created along the
14.2-Kilometer perimeter,” said KFS.

The forest is managed in partnership with the Community Forest Association, who
together with the Service generate a Participatory Forest Management Plan. The current
participatory management plan provides fencing as a key intervention in consolidating forest
conservation and protection gains.

“Forest fencing has numerous benefits to forests and the people that depend on them. It
constitutes a management approach that improves forest protection, spurs natural
regeneration and provides controlled access to forests for adjacent communities and visitors.
Furthermore, fencing protects fragile ecosystems and improves the micro-climate,” added KFS.

In addition to supporting construction of the electric fence around the Sanctuary Block, I&M
Foundation will also support construction of rangers’ houses, a rangers’ outpost, and
washroom blocks. The Foundation has also committed to rehabilitate 40 Hectares within the
Sanctuary Block.