Quality assurance in the education sector

Dr Alice Kande is the acting Director General of the Kenya National Qualifications Authority(KNQA).

The education and training sector in Kenya has over the years continued to face challenges due to the multitude of players governed by different regulatory agencies.

Each of these regulatory agencies have continued to apply varying practices in curriculum development, assessment, certification, and quality assurance, leading to fragmentation within the Kenyan education and training system.

It is for this reason that the early this year, the Ministry of Education through the cabinet Secretary appointed an ad hoc Technical Working Committee (TWC) under the leadership of the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) to come up with a National Policy Framework and Standard for Quality Assurance of National Qualifications in the Country to address the mess.

The Technical Working Committee under the leadership of Prof. Jackson Muthengia of Embu University kicked of the exercise and has been racing against time to conclude the development of the policy that will go a long way to ensure accountability and continuous improvement by providing information and judgments through a consistent and agreed-upon process that meets established standards.

It is important to note that Quality Assurance of national qualifications plays a crucial role in maintaining credibility and integrity of qualifications, as well as ensuring that they meet the needs of the learner and the society.

Therefore, the development and implementation of a national policy on quality assurance of qualifications will go along way in ensuring  that  the Country has a robust quality assurance mechanism which will enhance quality of national qualifications at all levels of education and training.

This policy is also envisaged to harmonize the fragmented nature of national qualifications from development of curriculum to assessment and certification.

In the context of quality assurance, the Kenya National Qualifications Framework serves several important functions.

These includes; setting standards this entails KNQA establishing standards and criteria that individuals must meet to achieve a particular qualification and these standards help to ensure that qualifications are consistent, comparable, and of high quality.

On Quality control; this involves National qualifications providing a basis for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education and training programs by aligning programs with the Kenya National Qualifications Framework, Qualification awarding Institutions(QAIs) will ensure that their curricula meet the required standards and deliver the intended learning outcomes.

On Recognition and transferability; the National qualifications facilitates the recognition and transferability of learning achievements within and across different education and training systems. This helps individuals to progress through their education and training pathways and enables them to transfer their qualifications to other institutions or countries.

On Employability and labor market relevance; National qualifications plays a crucial role in signaling to employers the knowledge, skills, and competencies that individuals possess by aligning qualifications with the needs of the labor market, KNQA helps to ensure relevance of qualifications and acceptability by the employers.

In Kenya, The KNQF Act 2014 mandates the Authority to enhance the national quality assurance systems for national qualifications and to build confidence in the national qualifications system, which contributes to the national economy.

Therefore, the Quality Assurance of National Qualifications Policy and Standard initiative aims to instill confidence in the education and training sector by ensuring the implementation of quality-assured practices and facilitating the seamless mobility and recognition of qualifications both nationally and internationally.

The implementation of this framework therefore, will not only standardize the quality assurance process but also enhance recognition, comparability, and acceptability of the Kenyan qualifications both nationally and globally, while promoting a culture of lifelong learning.

It is also important to note that the African Union’s Agenda 2063 emphasizes the need for a unified approach to quality assurance in education to enhance the recognition and mobility of qualifications across the continent.

Specifically, the SDG 4 and African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2016-2025) calls for the harmonization of educational standards and quality assurance mechanisms to ensure that qualifications are comparable and widely accepted across African countries.

In conclusion , the Policy Framework is designed to enhance the global competitiveness and credibility of Kenyan qualifications, fostering an environment where quality and relevant education, as well as lifelong learning, are accessible to all.

Dr.Kande is the Director General of KNQA and can be reached on directorgeneral@knqa.go.ke
