A househelp has pleaded with a Nairobi court to have mercy on her after she pleaded guilty to stealing a gold ring worth Sh683,700 belonging to her Runda employer.
While admitting to having committed the offense, Violet Ndukwe said she was provoked by the health status of her sickly father.
“I am pleading with the court and my lady employer to have mercy and forgive me. It is true that I took the ring and sold it at Sh4,000 shillings because my father needed urgent medical attention,” said Ndukwe amid tears.
Ndukwe had been presented before Magistrate Rose Ndombi at Milimani Law Court in the company of her accomplice Francis Mwema.
The court heard that Ndukwe stole the gold ring from Ms Norah Michelle an Australian-based nurse residing in Runda before she sold it to Mwema, a Kawangware-based shopkeeper whom she was introduced to by a friend.
While reading the facts, the prosecution informed the court that Ndukwe committed the offence on August 3, 2024, at Runda Acacia Grove.
The court heard that the complainant resides in Australia and is a nurse by profession.
The nurse had hired the Ndukwe to take care of her two children during her holiday in Kenya.
“It is true that l stole the ring and sold it at Kawangware at Sh4,000. I just wanted my father to get well. I did not know the ring was valuable to my boss Madam Norah, I have three small children who depend on me for upkeep and it is regrettable that I stole the ring. I will do my best to return the money and have her ring back but I really plead that I be forgiven,” she said.
The accused told the court that she picked up the ring from her employer’s bedroom floor while cleaning and decided to sell it.
Ndukwe revealed that after stealing the ring she sought to go for a short off duty to visit her children who reside within the Kawangware area.
On the other hand, Mwema who was arrested at his workplace asked for his release on bail on grounds that he was not a flight risk.
Through his lawyer, Mwema said he has two brothers working in Nairobi and would wish to be granted an opportunity to clear his name.
“We pray for lenient bail terms and the court is at liberty to grant any further orders,” his lawyer submitted.
Magistrate Ndombi granted Mwema a Sh500,000 cash bail and directed that a sentencing report be availed in court for Ndukwe before passing her sentence.
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