Government Allocates Kes.2.7B Annually for Village Elders’ Salaries

Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo announced during a presentation to the National Assembly committee on national security and administrations that if the proposals to formally recognize village elders are passed into law, the government will spend approximately Kes. 226 million every month to pay village elders.

Omollo stated that Kenyan taxpayers would have to fork out Kes.2.7 billion annually to support the village chiefs, with each village elder receiving Kes. 5000 per month.

“Using a rough estimate of 5 village elders in a sublocation which will be paid Ksh 5000 monthly, it will translate to Ksh 226,675,000. We are looking at an outlook which give or take will be Ksh 200M,” the PS said.

Omollo defended the plan to pay village elders, emphasizing that given the valuable work they perform for the community, Kenyans should consider the cost reasonable.

“When we assess the resources needed to coordinate all this, we shouldn’t face major challenges in persuading the National Treasury to allocate the necessary funds,” remarked PS Omollo.

The committee, chaired by Gabriel Tongoyo, underscored the urgency of promptly considering and approving the legislation, highlighting the significant role village elders play in their communities.

“This is achievable considering the substantial assistance that these village elders provide to our country. It’s a cost we should be comfortable with,” Tongoyo commented.

According to the National Government Coordination Amendment Bill 2023, a village council composed of elders and overseen by a village administrator was set to be integrated into the national government’s service delivery framework.