Concerns over high breast cancer cases in Machakos county

Dr Daniel Yumbya

Breast cancer remains the leading type of cancer among women in Machakos County for the past 5 years.

According to Machakos County Executive Member for Health Daniel Yumbya, breast cancer has been rampant among women in Machakos County followed by prostate cancer among men.

Speaking during a partnership meeting between Machakos County Health Docket, mount Kenya University and a Research team from the United States on cancer, Yumba noted that over 2,873 cancer patients have been treated at Machakos Cancer Center since 2019 with breast cancer reported as the leading killer.

Yumbya is now appealing to Machakos residents to do early cancer screening tests at the facility to avoid more deaths.

The partnership is aimed at improving cancer treatment and research in the county.